Murder and Manslaughter Solicitors in UK

Find the best Murder & Manslaughter Defence Solicitors at CAS

Murder and manslaughter are both severe offences that can have life-altering implications if you are convicted of either. Not only should you get legal guidance as quickly as possible, but you should also work closely with your lawyer to fully comprehend the facts of the case. Based on the evidence supplied, you have the highest chance of achieving a more favourable outcome this way.

Murder and manslaughter are two very different criminal offences. Our Murder and Manslaughter Solicitors in UK have the experience to defend several murder and manslaughter cases in the UK, both as instructed solicitors and as advisors to the greatest advocates and barristers for court appearances.

The broader concept of homicide governs this area of the law, which is complex and incorporates a lot of variables that influence both the court proceedings and the conclusion. We feel it is our responsibility to work with you from the start of a police investigation through the court process, ensuring that you benefit from our knowledge and experience at all times.

The police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have a lot of resources at their disposal in cases like this. So, it’s critical that if you, a family member, or a friend is being investigated or prosecuted for something like this, you have a team of Murder & Manslaughter Defence Solicitors on your side. They have the specialist experience and expertise to challenge the evidence and vigorously defend the case.

Murder and Manslaughter Solicitors in UK

The law; murder, and manslaughter

There are three types of homicide offences, the most serious of which is murder. Manslaughter – both involuntary and voluntary – and corporate manslaughter, death by reckless driving, infanticide, familial homicide, are the additional charges.

The most common diminished culpability sentencing for murder is a hospital order for treatment. To know more about these offences and laws associated with them, connect with our Murder & Manslaughter Defence Solicitors, call on 02039300780 or write to us at

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Murder is a criminal offence in Wales and England. The crime takes place when a person in complete awareness and discretion kills another person illegally in a non-self-defence act.

If successful, a murder accusation can be reduced to involuntary manslaughter using the diminished responsibility defence. The defendant acknowledges committing the crime but claims that their mental functions were impaired at the time.